Your donations support a host of programming options and activities. Through classroom innovation grants, we’ll fund worthwhile projects, endeavors, and activities that support student educational enrichment. The Reading Education Foundation considers districtwide, school-based, and individual teacher grant requests. Approved grants, written by teachers, administrators, and club supervisors, will provide opportunities to secure technical equipment, create innovative class learning activities, support after- school clubs and programs, increase partnership programs with local colleges, universities, businesses, and more, in an effort to benefit Pre-K through Grade-12 students on their path to securing a brighter future for themselves and our community.
Certainly, you remember what it was like the first time you, as a young pre-teen or teenager, were exposed to rewarding and enlightening educational experiences. Perhaps it sparked your imagination, led you to new discoveries, or fostered the drive that paved the way to a rewarding career and life. Here’s your chance to pay it forward. Your non-specified donation in any amount could be the spark for our next generation of business and community leaders. The REF hopes to build a legacy endowment to support the expansion of future exceptional learning experiences for students in the Reading School District.
Reading Education Foundation
800 Washington Street
Reading, PA 19601
x 60118